Prizm Content Connect
How to Extract Text

Prizm Content Connect Plus has a built-in script to extract text from any type of document.

Related arguments include:

  • The convert2swfclient.jar file can only be run if Prizm Proxy Server service is running.
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or higher needs to be installed on the machine executing the utility.

Extracting Text Using convert2swfclient

Example 1:

To extract text of all pages of sample.doc and place in the same directory as source:

Copy Code
java -jar <prizm-install>/convert2swfclient.jar source=/path/to/sample.doc target=/path/to/sample.txt 

Example 2:

To extract text of page 1 of sample.doc and place in the same directory as source:

Copy Code
java -jar <prizm-install>/convert2swfclient.jar source=/path/to/sample.doc target=/path/to/sample.txt pages=1

Example 3:

To extract text of page 1 of sample.doc and place in a different directory:

Copy Code
java -jar <prizm-install>/convert2swfclient.jar source=/path/to/sample.doc  target=/other/path/to/sample.txt pages=1



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